Thursday, February 17, 2011

Best Book Group Ever!

Our discussion of This Time Together at Moab's was the best book group ever! Well, actually it tied for the "best book group ever" with all the book groups at Hermana's and Queenie's.

This has nothing to do with Hermana's willingness eagerness to do away with a cute and cuddly raccoon. Or. . . her threats to murder the city's animal control if they let that same raccoon loose in the mountains--and he found his way back to her home.

It also has nothing to do with Moab's and Queenie's ancestor--you know, the Civil War soldier who saw his wife murdered and spent the rest of his life hunting down those men who were responsible.

It was the best book group ever because of Moab's excellent book choice,
her unparalleled video clipping skill,
her handsome kitchen help,
and her delicious dessert.

Strawberry Trifle

1 package strawberry Danish dessert mix
Mix with 2 cups water and boil until thickened. Cool. 
4 cups sliced strawberries. Mix with the cooled Danish dessert.
1 angel food cake
1 large package vanilla pudding, made according to package directions. Make when ready to use and do not refrigerate. 
12 oz cool whip

In large bowl, layer as follows:
1/2 angel food cake, torn into bite size pieces
1/2 strawberry/Danish dessert mixture
1/2 of the pudding
1/2 of the cool whip
Repeat layers.
Refrigerate and enjoy!

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